I'm writing this in English since there might be some members from other countries that may want to join in.
Since I missed the meeting last summer in Sweeden I thought it might be a good idea to start planning a new one for next year.
The big question is location.
I don't know where all of us live, but my initial thought was to avoid that some members have to drive for days to get there.
I was thinking the eastern part of Norway, or the Sweedish west coast, maybe the Malmö area, or perhaps in Denmark, though I cant think of any of the members in here that actually live in Denmark.
For me living on the west coast of Norway driving to east Norway or the Sweedish west coast takes me about a full day. (8-9 hours to Oslo)
Since there was some Dutch members at the last one, maybe they will show up again.
Making this an event over several days like the last time sounds like a good idea, so please feel free to make sugestions.
For all I know we could start in Oslo, drive down the Sweedish coast, cross the bridge to Denmark and maybe head for Germany or Holland?
Why not have dozens of e31's pull up at BMW Welt in Münic and go watch the displays.