Beiträge von Alex 850i

    Perso je pencherais pour 2 compresseurs d'admission, a priori gain de 15 à 30% en puissance et couple. On compense la perte de charge en soufflant plus fort à l'admission, plus d'air, plus d'oxygène, meilleur rendement... mais je suis pas mécano donc...

    Cependant je pense que si le gars a investi (je dirais 3000€ mini), j'espère que c'est pas pour rien...

    Le souci, c'est que le terme "spoiler" , en général s'apparente aussi bien à des rajouts sur boucliers qu'à des ailerons, ou becquets... donc désolé pour mes photos.

    Après je sais pas si celui sur le Csi jaune est un élément BMW ou pas mais tu peux aussi chercher chez AC Schnitzer

    PS : Je sais, c'est pas des photos en VUE ARRIERE, mais je fais au mieux avec ce que j'ai... :wink:

    Salut Franck,

    En effet, c'est un peu vrai.

    Mon idée depuis quelque temps pour enrichir le site est la suivante : lorsqu'un sujet est ouvert, problème technique, modifications divers, peu importe, il serait appréciable qu'une sorte de "compte rendu" soit posté par les interressés, ceci permettrait de récupérer les infos et de les transcrir en articles accessibles depuis le menu, car bien souvent les posts sont difficiles à retrouver et surtout il y en a un peu partout.

    Afin de garantir une certaine "proprété" des articles seuls, les administrateurs peuvent les modifier, cependant si vous avez des remarques, des suggestions, des compléments il ne faut surtout pas hésiter à me faire passer ça que je complète le tout, il faut une Base De Données vivantes.

    Il y a déjà un énorme tas d'infos disponible en anglais qu'il faut traduire, et ça demande pas mal de temps, et c'est pour cela que si chacun s'investi d'avantage dans la création de posts bien complets, le travail de mise en forme en articles est facilité...

    :twisted::twisted: Grrr !!! Va de retro satanas !!! En avant la chasse aux posters....

    Stop, restons calme. :oops:

    Je vous renvois à la page d'accueil, colonne de gauche, rubrique "Le site" puis "Guide Photos", afin de télécharger le petit programme adéquate et réduire de façon significative le poids (en ko) et la taille des images postées à environ 640 pixels de large... merci bien.

    Sinon très sympas ces photos...

    Et bien écoute la mienne est de 1990 et l'ancien proprio a toujours tourné au 95, donc je roule au 95 depuis 3 ans sans soucis particuliers.., de mon point de vue pas de soucis mais à la rigueur attend pour une autre confirmation... on sait jamais si c'est moi qui suis à côté de la plaque.

    PS : Je suis ni pompiste, ni inspecteur des impôts mais je travaille régulièrement en raffineries... quel âge à ta fille ??? Je plaisante. :wink:

    Salut Franck,

    Je cherche moi même à obtenir ces renseignements, je pense savoir auprès de qui, mais ça risque d'être un peu long... donc un peu de patience...

    Salut Eric...

    Génial tes scans, dis moi, peux tu me les faire passer en résolution plus importante par e-mail, je vais les intégrer dans un article. Et si a tout hasard tu as aussi le reportage sur l'Alpina jaune, je suis preneur.


    Super, encore un membre dans la famille... Il va falloir que le club fasse les courses en gros maintenant, mais bon on va avoir plein d'alloc. :P

    Il manque juste un petit truc, une jolie photo dans ta gallerie perso !!!

    Thanks Alex...

    And I have improved my english too, by using this forum.

    At this time, Jud is working on the new platform of the ".com" website, and we have to discuss about the idea to create other "local websites".

    But this involve that we will need a "staff" by country to develop and maintain each websites. We will need a strong implication of members in different countries. For now, be patient... and why not in the next months, you would create your own "local website"...

    Hi Alex,

    I understand your point of view and I will not continue to discuss about ".de" or ".com". My job is to give the best documents to the 8 community... but, let me give you an example concerning the "local websites" (I would like to precise this is MY opinion) :

    - Firstly, the problem of the language, many people doesn't speak, read and learn english very well... since we have made the french part, many of 8 owners have joined us (15 members to 65 members today !) I'm sure the problem is the same in every countries. So I think it's a good thing to touch the biggest number of 8 owners... no ?

    - Secondly, our "local website" is not totally independent from the "main website", we use the same pictures, the same photos, the same forum,... have a look to this 2 links :…?page=4&mode=article&k=17
    The same article (very little differences), one in english and the other in french, and you can see the french website is under the same "". Now, we need to have a look on each articles and pick up the new information to translate it... not a real problem I think...

    - thirdly, I think local website is able to help us to encounter other 8 owners of the same country more easily than the main website.

    In fact, I can say, the main website for the knowledge of the 8, and local websites for an easiest contact between members !


    :cry: Ok it's time to ask for firemen because the t° is very hot !

    Dear Volkmen, Fabrice Dray and me, are the "new" webmaster of the "french part" of the website since one months, not more, so we haven't got enough power to make things such as the "automatic translation" of ". de" to ". net" . But now Fabrice will look for this real problem with Jud and we want to know what's this joke.

    I've unlock your last post "meeting en suisse" and I really don't know who has deleted the link (not me and not Fabrice, be sure) and who has locked the post.

    If you look at the home page of the the french website, you will see I have put a link to the ". com" and an other one to the ". de" . No need to have a bridge, just one "clic". I enjoy this communication between the different websites, but I think we are adult enough to not write about policy (Jud is not W Bush and this is a good thing !).

    Please, keep calm. We all know that the "8 problem between club" is real and I think the better solution is to discuss. Each one is free to take his own decision and it's very difficult to solve the problem... Fredi Hatt knows it better than me.

    And I hate the idea to make a black list, if you're ok, you'll remain the welcome on this website... I hope with no problems of "automatic translation"... :wink:

    One more thing, at the first sign of a "real" dictatorship, you can be sure I will do my best to be free...

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Peter, now I prefer to discuss of this point by direct e-mail, because I don't really think the forum is the better place to talk about this. We are (frenchies) also concerned by this problem and our decision is not took yet.

    I hope you understand me ?

    Je pense qu'il s'agit d'une maladie suédoise à l'origine qui s'est déclenchée au cours du meeting à Paris, voici quelques preuves de ma théorie.

    Vous pourrez juger par vous même de l'état d'esprit de ce "biker série 8" au coeur tendre, gentil comme tout avec un sacré brin de folie...

    During the meeting in Paris, I met Dick Baars and Heinz Jacobs, I know they want to make a Dutch website but under what site (.com or .de ??).

    It's a difficult choice, and I don't have to tell you what to do... but you have to know that Jud works a lot to unify all 8 clubs, he wants to create a unique club but some "important" german members totally disagree with his idea.

    Takes the good decision, but what will happen, we will remain in the same spirit of the 8. :wink:

    This is a very good idea to make your website, but as you probably know, the french website is a part of the ".com" site. We use the same forum engine and we share files like photos, pictures.

    I'm working to translate articles in french, we have our own management, but we are a piece of the international puzzle of the 8.

    Why don"t you contact Jud Spencer, in order to ask him how to create your website under the ".com", like us ?

    In my point of view, I would like all european countries creating their own website under the ".com". Thus, no problem of separate clubs, just one international website ".com" and many "under clubs" in the same house...

    Long life to te 8 community and may the 8 be with us !

    Hello Volkmen,

    I agree with you concerning problems of point of view between club .com et .de, and I can certify you I didn't delete the link of the german forum...

    I just want to precise that the is not an american website but an international website, it's located in USA but for reason of better price. The problem is not between germans, americans, frenchies or others but only because some persons are unable to change their state of mind concerning the making of a "real" World Wide Club. :roll:

    I would like to maintain a very good spirit of the 8 in europe and all over the world, because, as you say, "We are Friends of the BMW 840 & 850".

    And very good pictures of the meeting and beautiful place. :wink: