Beiträge von TerryY

    Please note that the fuel pump relay has 12 volts applied whenever the ignition is on. The Ground side is supplied by the engine ecu and that ground is what the ecu withholds when it can't find critical sensors. The crank shaft sensor on an 840 is one of those sensors. Not sure what other conditions cause the no ground condition.

    If yours has a dark colored thermostat housing it may be the source of your leak.
    My '94 E32 had a dark plastic one with a hairline crack on the bottom. My '95 840 has an aluminum one and I don't know if it was standard or aftermarket.

    Other than local get togethers in a few places, a couple of West Coast wine tours and a Southeastern meet there don't seem to be anymore. I think the fabric of our "cult" has mostly unraveled in the US. has gone .com-atose.

    It all seems to have gone quiet after an attempt to do a whole US meet a few years ago. It didn't seem that anyone wanted to go to the same place or do the same things and IIRC "Liability" reared its head again. A string of 8s at high speed on a heavily traveled highway during an event was one of the mentions in that discussion.

    Ask again at and you may find something at least relatively local to you soon.

    If it comes back there is a bit of narrow metal on the front brake dust shields that can break. If it does you get a "ting ting ting" sound when you hit a bump.

    The easy fix is to weld it back together on the car.

    It has been a long time since I fixed mine but if I recall correctly it is at about 10 o'clock on the left and 2 o'clock on the right with the rotor off.

    Another one of the Cyclic problems with the 8. You hear about them until everybody has fixed theirs and it waits until everyone forgets about it before cropping up again. Like timing chain tensioner leaks on the V12 and loose oil pump bolts on the V8.

    In the US OBD2 was mandatory in any model year 1996 automobile. The transition to M62 started with the 1996 MY so theoretically all US M62's were 1996/1997 models.

    I have heard rumors of a very few US M62 and M73 850's that were registered as 1995 models. If I remember correctly were OBD2--but then again it was quite a while ago. The registry should show any 1995 850's that were US spec. Maybe the registrar could ask?

    Given the world car status of the 8er all M73 cars and M62 cars really should have the plug or the preceding connector some where under the dash on the left side. After all the US seems to have all the plugs for the Euro accessories.

    The right hand drive adaptation probably did not move the primary wiring. Just like my Range Rover has the OBD2 plug in the right foot well because it was designed as RHD and converted to LHD. Drives the people doing emissions testing crazy over here because it is supposed to be under the steering wheel :)

    The V8's have a Snow * switch for the transmission.

    It locks the transmission in 3rd gear to prevent undue tire spin.

    But a word of advice if I may. Put the ASC in the semi on position. (Hold the button down until the light goes off again) Because the V8 also has a secondary throttle that closes to prevent wheel spin if the ASC application of the brakes can't stop it. You will find yourself partway up a slippery hill with no power to continue because the secondary throttle is closed and you can't get the engine above and idle. Don't ask how I know :oops:

    Different brands use different cleaning additives in the gasoline. If you run one brand for a long time and then switch, the different cleaners may dissolve something that the first left in the injectors.

    IIRC on the E32 if you put a bulb in the check engine light place the stomp test does work.
    So it may also work on the Euro E31.

    They built the E31 as a true world car so almost everything that works somewhere is already in all cars or at least the wiring is there to make it work.