Beiträge von acca68

    Few weeks ago I had FALKEN 452's installed in my CSi, in 245/40/18 F and 285/35/18 R (BTW in original 18" Alpinas:harhar:) and so far I'm very pleased with. But i've only done 1500Km since, so cannot say nothing about how will wear yet...:dontknow:

    Hola, Julio. Gracias por avisar! llevo ya un rato intentando conectarme, y empezaba a pensar que os habíais mudado sin avisarme. Total, para dos dias que no me puedo conectar!

    Espero que se pueda solucionar pronto.:winkwink:

    That Peter's Yellow 8 has a lot of responsibilities all around. At least in my own case...

    7k 94' 850 CSi!!

    Because different federal laws regarding security, etc., the CSi's US version came with the standard side mirrors :? . Also the brakes were different, and others.


    Hi, Alex.

    Of course, I agree with you when you say: "the main website for the knowledge of the 8, and local websites for an easiest contact between members !"

    That's what I was triying to mean in my post. So the solution the french site has done is for me the right solution: Be "inside" a global site, sharing as ressources as possible.

    And also agree with you about the problem of the language. In my case, I have improved a lot my english & french looking at your site, but they still being "not so good...". Maybe this is why my opinion was not so clear before.



    I'm not yet an "happy 8 owner", so sorry to put here my opinion. But I will as soon I am able to find the "good one for me".

    In some months I've learned from this site a lot of things about this great car. The info that you share here is very good to know the car, which are the most common problems, to have a good "buyer guide", etc... My preferences (and budget, for buying and for maintenance) had changed a lot since I start my research on autumn 2005(Yes, I'm quite demanding) And my love to the 8 has growth to a great passion, only by discovering the secrets of this car, or reading your stories, problems, challenges, etc...

    Also, as a future owner, I give an enormous value to a site that allow me to share all my problems, find solutions and know what are others doing in the same or similar conditions worldwide. Specially when we are talking about a car 10 years old (in the best cases), with a very weak support expectable from the manufacturer...

    I knew nothing about the "8 problem between club" before this thread. But I think that in one and another side of the ocean, In Europe as in America, Asia or Australia, or wherever, the problems with the car are very similar. And, if from Spain i will not participate in the American meetings, I will be happy to know what are they doing, and to see some photos of his cars.

    So (and because this is'nt an politics site) I think that to be divided in "local" sites isn't the best way to keep the knowledge about the 8 as strong, deep and shared as possible.

    Best regards,
