91 850i Questions

  • I just recently bought an 850i, best car ever owned! When I was talking with the previous owner he mentioned that it is bad to let the car start up and idle for long periods of time, is this true? Does leaving the car on for periods of time damage it? I read in the manual that once the car starts up it is recommended that you drive as soon as possible? Do you guys let the car warm up on idle in the morning? Why is it bad to let the car warm up?

  • I have same model same year.
    Generally I leave it about 20 2econds or so on very cold mornings as sometimes when vey cold a couiple of cylinders don't fire up, then when they cut in I get a power surge.

    Apart from that I'm informed that cold oil in a cold engine doesn't circulate properly at idle speed so some parts are not being adequately lubricated. I don't know if this is
    1. true
    2. false
    3. applies to some cars and not others.

    If it is true then revving the engine a bit (or driving it) should solve the problem

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