whats it worth?

  • Hi guys!

    I own a bmw 850 ci 1997 gulf specification car with only 57000 km it has tthe m73 engine and full m sport kit the car is totally standard from factory. As im sure most of you are aware from some of my earlier posts it has been in the uk nearly 6 years now and has spend 95% of its time parked away as i dont have much time to drive it. On my last post i had wrote about the multiple misfire that the car had developed and got alot of feedback (thanks) but due to not having time and other commitments i havent had a chance to check to see what the problem is. Now that i am working out here in the middle east and the car is in the U.K. i really dont know what to do with her. Its a real shame seeing such a beautiful car jus sitting around and not getting no use at all.

    what kind of money would i be looking to get for a car that has only done 57000 km? with the multiple misfire? Any help would be appreciated. Soon i will be arranging for some garage in the uk to carry out all the work on the car that needs to be done but thaught to see what kind of money i would be looking to get for her?


  • The steering wheel is on the wrong side for the UK.
    you will get better money for it in EU, The milage is very low but this is not always good news.
    no e31 m73 cars made it to the UK. therefore even as a parts car (God forbid) you will not make good money.
    The only option is to sell it to our EU neghibours. the cost of trailoring it over there will be deducted from YOUR asking price.

  • With the undiagnosed misfire, the car is not worth much at all because the prospective buyer will deduct the cost of the worst case scenario repair from its value.

    It also takes a nosedive in value being a LHD car in the UK unless you find someone who wants it for their villa in southern Europe.

    In all honesty, being LHD and suffering a multiple misfire, you will only be looking at around £1500-£2000. Get it fixed and over to EU land, and depending on spec and condition of the rest of the car, you could get £8000-£10000 for it in the Euros equivelent.

    Unfortunately, as it is, in the UK, its just a project that could end up as a parts car.


  • Zitat von chromeowner;108519

    What's the VIN, please? May be able to get it to the States, if shipping and regulatory costs don't sink it. Have to see the build sheet to know.


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