“Registration for the München 14 Meeting”


    Registration for the München 14 Meeting:

    Name: Marc POUPON

    Total Amount of persons: 1

    Nationality: France


    Marc POUPON
    BMW Club Serie 8 France

  • Me and my wife is from Sweden, but we can not connect for a Friday afternoon, what happens to us and museum tickets that you assign on Thursday evening and the selection of 25 coulters for out of the museum. I own a 850 csi with 67000 km on the angler in the original peak condition.
    I have registered as nr.126 and also notified all meals on doodle.
    Yours sincerely
    towing Fotic

  • :roll: This is the reason why I never say that I will come weeks before and then have to chancel...

    But on the other hand my chances to get a lanyard for Saturday are rising, because from what I know today I will be there!

    :) ...even if it's to late, Fredi:

    Name: Harald Gießbeck

    Total Amount of persons: 1

    Nationality: German

    Herzliche Grüße/ best regards

    Harry! :winkwink:

  • Many Thanks Fabrice for this Info, is very welcome in order to keep our Participantslist up to Date

    No Problem Harry, like this we can offer for everyone to come to the meeting, also for thos who can only come on very short notice :top:
    We really try to do our very best to have everyone with all us in Munich at this unique Event

    Thanks Harry, I got you on my List already :cool:

  • Zitat von Fredi;119902

    Many Thanks Fabrice for this Info, is very welcome in order to keep our Participantslist up to Date

    No Problem Harry, like this we can offer for everyone to come to the meeting, also for thos who can only come on very short notice :top:
    We really try to do our very best to have everyone with all us in Munich at this unique Event

    Thanks Harry, I got you on my List already :cool:

    Hi Fredi,

    I'll eventually be one of those short notice guys as well. Loaded with work I currently still don't know if I can make it.
    Would love to come back to the city I've lived in for over 21 years ....
    If I manage to come it'll be May 30th because my son turns 18 the day before.


  • Hello Fredy:

    Uno de los españoles, no puede asistir, ha tenido un accidente de moto, haciendo una ruta del Paris-Dacar, por suerte no ha sido casi nada, pero le tienen que intervenir quirurgicamente en la rodilla y muy a su pesar no puede venir, osea que hay otro hueco. En el listado esta en el número 38.

    38 Frascisco Martos (2) =No asiste.

    Hello Fredy:

    One of the Spaniards, unable to attend, has had a motorcycle accident, making a path to the Paris-Dakkar, luckily it has not been all that much, but we have to intervene surgically in the knee and very reluctantly can not come, I mean that there is another hole. In this list at number 38.

    38 Frascisco Martos (2) = not supported.

    Nos vemos en Munich/See you in Munich

    Presidente del Club BMW Serie 8-Spain (e31.es)

  • Hello,

    I am forced to cancel the check. In my place, please enter Mr. Marek Buksak. The hotel has already been rebooked.

    If I manage to solve family problems do not rule out spontaneous arrival.

    Piotr Kuchlewski

  • Hallo Fredi,

    es ist zwar etwas spät für eine Anmeldung, aber ich mach's trotzdem.

    Durch eine kurzfristige Terminverschiebung hat es sich ergeben, dass ich doch noch nach München kommen kann, allerdings alleine.
    Anreise am Freitagabend (im Biergarten?) bis Sonntag. Hotel ist auch schon gebucht.

    Ich hatte Dir gestern dazu schon eine Mail geschickt.

    Gruß Fernando

    Name: Fernando Wettlaufer (ferry14)

    Total Amount of persons: 1

    Nationality: German

  • Dear participants:

    For our badges, I would very much appreciate to get the full names of the following registrants, please. You can reach me by PN, if you prefer:

    Marc + Michi
    Marc + Silvia
    Uschi und Jürgen
    Samantha + Michaela
    Sandro und Uwe

    Thank you for your support in this matter - see you in Munich soon


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