I just wanted to thank you (sold my 850CSi)

  • Hello everyone,

    Today is quite a sad day as I have finally decided to sell my 850CSi and keeping the M3 CSL for now...

    It's not that the M3 is a better car than the 8' (actually, I think that there is more a sense of occasion when driving the E31), but I just did not use my 850CSi enough.

    It's gone to a person that I am sure will take good care of it and will appreciate it as it deserves.

    I wanted to thank you all for your help, advice and comments along the years.

    I will continue to follow with great interest your posts and might even consider returning to 8'-ownership someday.

    Best regards,

  • Just in case... do you have a clause in the sales contract for a right of first refusal? :harhar:
    If not we´ll help you find a new loveable 8 once the you´re finally bored of the CSL ;)

    Stay around... one day you will find out that two weekend cars are but a start :laugh:


  • Zitat von reinhard;108849

    Just in case... do you have a clause in the sales contract for a right of first refusal? :harhar:
    If not we´ll help you find a new loveable 8 once the you´re finally bored of the CSL ;)

    Stay around... one day you will find out that two weekend cars are but a start :laugh:


    I should have added it indeed Reinhard! :)

    i will definitelly stay around as I am addicted to the 8' and I will continue to appreciate your posts.

    I would love an Alpina B12 5.7 actually...

  • I can't imagine my self as making same decision about selling my 8. I am not at the point to decide which weekend car must go yet.

    Zitat von reinhard;108849

    Stay around... one day you will find out that two weekend cars are but a start :laugh:


    That is exactly what I am saying to my wife, she should hang around for a better weekends in the future for me :D

  • The buyers market for the E31's is practically nonexistent. It takes a special buyer to be looking for a car like this, Im happy for the guy :)

    840 Ci Individual
    1995 factory CSi sport kit
    Ferrari 599 GT Red
    Hong Kong

  • Richard - i wasn't stirring! :roll: just kidding.

    Besides, I'm only British by association. I have noticed British people using these quaint sayings..

    I have some other ones, i hope members will forgive me if (in the spirit of the fostering advancement of understanding here) i add a few more here with similar translations:

    "You're having a laugh mate!" [real meaning: I'm thinking of assaulting you in a minute]
    "Go on, jog on, you lemon". [leave this place immediately, running is optional but recommended]
    "I'm not being funny, but.." [Everything I am about to say is likely to offend you in some way]
    "Look at the two-and-eight* of that!" [I do not find your wife/ girlfriend attractive]
    "I bloody hate Jose Mourinho" [I harbour deep man-fantasies about Jose Mourinho]
    "Can I have a cheeseburger please" [Can I have a mechanically-recovered patty which contains a former Derby winner please]
    "Are you staring at my pint?" [Are you being disrespectful to my family by glancing idly in the vague direction of my preferred beverage]
    "Are you insulting / disrespecting my family?" [If you hear this, get those legs motoring!}

    *two-and-eight = state

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