Fallen apart?

  • Nobody seems to come on here anymore, it is still a daily visit for me but theres no enthusiasm there at all!

    Philippe, where the hell have you gone?

    Ive tried contacting you on MSN etc but to no avail :?

    What are peoples' thoughts?

  • Hi Al,

    Frankly I'm disillusioned. When I paid Philippe to become a Premium member, there were all sorts of promises of special & personal attention but he seems to have disappeared!!

    Perhaps he's joined the Elise Set? I'm spending more and more time on the Lexus site, at least there's some activity there.


  • Done a runner with the money maybe?

    Phillippe, where the fcuk are you?

  • fallen apart

    al it is no wonder we are dissolutioned, members pose questions, and some times receive useful replys , but very few come back to the forum to post their findings.
    i myself posted on the subject of superchargers, you in person replied with the offer of possible leads on my question ,that was on may 9th,!!.

    i had expected a reply,even sorry mate icant find the info etc, but as seems the case some members just get involved with a fair degree of passion ,then cool down just as quickly.

    while we having a moan do you know whats happening re GAYDON.
    should we assume that the 8 series meet has died a death.??????

    regards steve

    Those who risk nothing,achieve nothing,become nothing.

  • Re: fallen apart

    You have to appreciate that i am just a member like you. I am just a moderator, i have no say in the running ot admin side of the club - i just have the power to ensure that the forum runs with a degree of control.

    I never had anything to do with Gaydon as i was fairly sure i was out of the country at the time.

  • Zitat von tee.

    I dont think anything has been organized officially but I am still going.


    Would you like to take over some organisation mate?

  • gaydon

    nope ,, dont do organising,toooooooo time consuming, but seriously , it is my guess it is far to late in day to have anything official arranged but it would probably be nice to meet other 8 owners also attending the show any one reading this might want some input.

    best regards stevep

    Those who risk nothing,achieve nothing,become nothing.

  • Re: gaydon

    Zitat von stevep840

    nope ,, dont do organising,toooooooo time consuming, but seriously , it is my guess it is far to late in day to have anything official arranged but it would probably be nice to meet other 8 owners also attending the show any one reading this might want some input.

    best regards stevep

    OK, well lets hope someone wants to see something happen and doesnt mind spending a bit of time on it.

    Nobody can complain about the state of affairs if they are not willing to do something about it.


  • Hi Al,

    Sorry to see you seem to be out on a limb with this web-site now.

    Has anyone heard anything from Philippe lately? He created, then lost, then re-created a site which continuously stimulated 8'ers by providing a platform for like-minded individuals to interact. However, he was the kingpin and his presence was critical to maintaining this momentum. I really can't understand why he seems to have no further interest. I've emailed him twice with no response. If he has a problem why doesn't he share it?

    Best regards,


  • Well guys, it really is getting to the stage where i can do no more. I am not here for Gaydon, would really like to meet up with you but im in Florida as we speak and i am here for some time to come.

    Cant even remember what date Gaydon was?

    Phillippe? Where are you? Give us a clue?

    I am MORE than happy to take over the running and maintenance of this site and i have the skills to do so, id rather do that than see it die a death.

    Get in touch.


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