Rumor of a new BMW 8 Series

  • Isn't the 8 the successor of the 6? Now they have the new 6 which many say is the successor of the 8? I'm so confused. I don't think the 8 was derived from the 6 at all.


  • The 6 ended in 1989 and restarted in 2004 - no succession

    Hi John;

    The 6 Series was geared to a different market than the 8 Series. In 1989, the 6 Series ended production. The 8 Series was designed for a different market - the GT (Grand Touring) market. BMW made the mistake of not continuing the 6 Series in a new format.

    The new 6 Series returns to the original market focus from the last 6 Series.

    This is the most erred fact that everyone seems to make. The 8 Series was entirely a new class of coupe and market. Therefore, the 8 and 6 are not successors of one another.


  • Re: The 6 ended in 1989 and restarted in 2004 - no successio

  • hey cool a new 8 might come out but i hope bangle dusnt make this new one too bad. and i hope its faster too. the original 8 is the best but if bmw decides to revive it, i hope its lighter and faster than the old 8. if it is than i better start saving up my muny. i wanna buy one. oh and i hope they finally come through and make an M version of the 8. that is wat i want most. even though im only 15, i have loved the 8 since i was born. well happy motoring to all.

    LONG LIVE THE 8!!!!!

  • Re: New 8-series

    Zitat von guest

    The only thing better than our 8-series would be ( NAZCA M12 ) :

    I think that you are wrong. Because in my opinion the best prototype from beginning of years 90, was NAZCA C2. Because she was lighter and she has more strong engine then model Nazca M12.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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