MID extra messages ( Gerg boxes )...

  • Hi all.

    I have just found this post on bimmerforums about a guy deploying a set of boxes that will allow to show different messages on the MID :


    The issue is that, now he knows how to send messages to our MID, but not how priority is sent to the iBus and how often the MID is getting refreshed.

    He has also a 2,4 or 8 inputs boxes that will show all the parameters you need, and that may be configurable.

    Is something similar around ( at 8er ) ? Does somebody has some good info about all of this ( mainly iBus ) on the E31 ?


  • That's look like a very interesting mod - I suspect that Revtor is the main man for such questions here with his excellent knowledge of the electronic control systems on the 8 - I'm sure he'll post in this thread.
    Good find :)

  • Zitat von dudu;90264

    Is something similar around ( at 8er ) ? Does somebody has some good info about all of this ( mainly iBus ) on the E31 ?

    Yes of course :harhar:

    Since December 2007 we have hacked the Ibus in the E31 and we know the right code sequence to do this :grin2:

    Short video from my CSi:


    Long version on the German Autobahn (speed 200km/h)


    Timestamp 2:31 -> Switch On and Off the system

    many greetings

  • Of course! Sorry Martin, I'd forgotten that you'd done this.
    Cheers, Jason

  • Whe will you be selling this as a kit :top: :top:

    I am ready to buy one :cool:

  • Argonaut: Actually I haven't yet experimented with the MID and I-Bus, so my knowledge about it is rather limited.

    dudu: Several people have made extensions to the E31 I-Bus to display additional information on the MID. In my opinion Martin's modification is the most useful so far and I hope he soon releases a commercially available solution. Many people have been eagerly waiting on his mod.

    Other mods are the displaying of artist and track information on the MID delivered by an external mp3 player and at least two different implementations of park distance control (PDC) systems where the distance is visualized on the MID. Sadly, I seem to have forgotten where I saved the links to these projects and I managed to find back only one with Google... One of the PDC projects was made by xolmatic from Spain (you might know him). Here's a link to xolmatic's project: PDC barato. The other project had a somewhat nicer presentation on the display but could only display one side of the car.

    Martin: The oil temperature and pressure displayed in your mod are from add-on sensors, but where do you take the voltage from? Is it from an ADC in your module or is it the terminal 15 voltage that is already available on the I-Bus and can be displayed in the service menu?

    If it is taken from the I-Bus, is it possible to display two I-Bus values at the same moment? For example momentary speed + momentary fuel consumption (combination of service menu 08 and 02), or does the I-Bus carry only one value at a time (e.g. if you select "Reichweite" is only the range available on the I-Bus and none of the other values)?

  • Thank you guys. The idea on both, Martin´s box and the Gerg´s boxes is very interesting if we want to add more functionalities to our MID.

    I will check with xolmatic about it.


  • Zitat von revtor;90289

    Martin: The oil temperature and pressure displayed in your mod are from add-on sensors, but where do you take the voltage from? Is it from an ADC in your module or is it the terminal 15 voltage that is already available on the I-Bus and can be displayed in the service menu?

    If it is taken from the I-Bus, is it possible to display two I-Bus values at the same moment? For example momentary speed + momentary fuel consumption (combination of service menu 08 and 02), or does the I-Bus carry only one value at a time (e.g. if you select "Reichweite" is only the range available on the I-Bus and none of the other values)?

    From the ADC on my controller. :grin2:
    I think it's not possible to take it from the I-Bus because the control unit in the car send this value only when you select this special menu. Perhabs there is a special command to get this value from the control unit, but i havn't try it.


  • Zitat von Martin;90437

    From the ADC on my controller. :grin2:
    I think it's not possible to take it from the I-Bus because the control unit in the car send this value only when you select this special menu.

    Too bad... I was hoping all values were permanently available on the I-Bus. Since the service menu is not exactly user friendly, would it be possible to make your module select and display some of the service menu items? For example, [CHECK][CHECK] to display the oil temperature, oil pressure and battery voltage, [CHECK] to display the momentary speed (service menu 08) and [CHECK] to display the momentary fuel consumption (service menu 02)? Perhaps with DIP switches or solder bridges on the PCB to enable/disable displays for those who don't want/need them?

  • Hi.

    I am in the process of installing a Gert ( rv8flyboy ) "beta" box for the E31 :

    and have a question about routing a set of cables from the oil filter housing to the cockpit....

    The logical path should be through the fuse/relais box... but i do not want to disturb the electrical gremlins... and have not seen an easy alternative...

    The idea is to use a "T" like this...

    and connect the original oil pressure switch , plus a temp and pressure sensors...

    I will check all of this stuff without routing the cable to the cockpit ( everything connected at the engine compartment and a single cable to the IBus ) , but if it works , routing will be needed.

    Any feedback will be welcome.



  • Hi Eduardo, I once installed an alarm horn in the engine bay.
    I routed the cable trough the right electronic box, more precisely behind it.
    On the right side, only a couple of wires enter the passenger cabin (behind the glove box), so I was able to use a tin wire to get out to the engine bay and with that, pull the alarm cable inside. In the engine bay I routed the cable where the washer wires and tubes go. That worked well, without disturbing the wires inside the electronic boxes.


  • Finally ( and after reading information at some german E32 and E38 forums ) i got a modified oil filter cap and installed the pressure and temp sensor on it...

    cables have been routed through the rubber grommet underneath the fuse box...

Jetzt mitmachen!

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